A series of `hot` issues were discussed during the meeting of US – China leaders

A series of `hot` issues were discussed during the meeting of US - China leaders 0

(Dan Tri) – US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to establish dialogue mechanisms on a series of issues during a meeting in California on November 15.

US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping walked together after talks on November 15 (Photo: Reuters).

According to Nikkei, during four-hour meetings on the sidelines of the APEC summit in the US on November 15, President Joe Biden and leader Xi Jinping agreed to establish dialogue mechanisms on artificial intelligence.

According to Xinhua, regarding the Taiwan issue, Mr. Xi called this the `most important and sensitive` issue in US-China relations.

Although China appreciated the US statements during last year’s meeting in Bali, Indonesia, Mr. Xi said that Washington should demonstrate its stance of not supporting Taiwan’s independence with specific actions, stopping

`China will eventually be unified and will definitely be unified,` Xi emphasized.

What did the US – China leaders say during the summit?

The two leaders agreed to establish an intergovernmental dialogue on artificial intelligence, a working group on anti-drug cooperation, and restore high-level contact between the two militaries `on an equal basis.`

At the meeting, Mr. Xi criticized US export controls and high-tech investment bans, calling them `depriving China of the right to development`.

Mr. Xi asked the US to lift unilateral sanctions and create a `fair, just and non-discriminatory environment` for Chinese companies.

Mr. Xi declared that China `has no plans to surpass or replace the US and the US should not intend to suppress or contain China`.

The two sides also agreed to `strongly increase` flights between the US and China early next year.

According to a senior US official, the two leaders also discussed the situation in the Middle East.

Tighten bilateral relations

At his meeting with the US leader, Mr Xi said that although there were some `serious` problems, the two countries must be `fully capable of overcoming differences`.

`As long as we respect each other, coexist peacefully and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation, the two sides will be fully capable of overcoming differences and finding a suitable path for the two great powers to get along with each other.`

According to Xinhua, President Xi Jinping pointed out that China-US relations have never been smooth sailing over the past 50 years and have always faced challenges.

`For two big countries like China and the US, turning their backs on each other is not an option. Conflict and confrontation cause difficult consequences for both sides,` Mr. Xi emphasized.

Mr. Xi also expressed his wish to deeply exchange views and reach common commitments with President Biden on strategic and overall issues important to the direction of China-US relations and on issues

`Both sides need to understand each other’s principles and limits, not create or provoke trouble or cross boundaries, but instead need to communicate more, have more dialogue and discussion, and solve problems.`

Meanwhile, President Biden said he valued the conversation with Xi because he thought it was important for the two leaders to understand each other well, adding that they must ensure competition does not turn into conflict

Mr. Biden also raised the global challenges facing the two countries, from climate change, anti-drugs to artificial intelligence, requiring joint efforts from both sides.

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