Experts analyze 3 main results from Ms. Harris’s visit to Vietnam

Experts analyze 3 main results from Ms. Harris's visit to Vietnam 0

(Dan Tri) – Major General Le Van Cuong pointed out 3 outstanding results from the visit to Vietnam by US Vice President Kamala Harris, and commented on the connotation of Vietnam – US relations.

US Vice President Kamala Harris at a press conference in Hanoi on the afternoon of August 26, before ending a good visit to Vietnam (Photo: Tien Tuan).

US Vice President Kamala Harris on the afternoon of August 26 ended a good 3-day visit to Vietnam, the second stop on her first trip to Southeast Asia.

Talking with Dan Tri reporters about the visit of US Vice President Kamala Harris, Major General, Associate Professor Dr. Le Van Cuong, former Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies (Ministry of Public Security), commented that in all aspects,

According to him, the most important and most noticeable result is that Ms. Harris’s visit contributes to continuing to promote and expand the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and the US, bringing the relationship closer and closer.

Mr. Le Van Cuong noted the statement from Washington on August 25, which clearly stated that the US wants to promote relations with Vietnam and emphasized Vietnam’s important role in the Indo-Pacific.

Vietnam and the US established a comprehensive partnership in 2013 and over the past 8 years this relationship has developed comprehensively and continuously, from initially mainly economic to most fields of politics, diplomacy, and education.

Mr. Le Van Cuong assessed that, from Vietnam’s perspective, strengthening relations with the US brings many benefits.

In the field of security and defense, Vietnam also expands relations with the US to enhance Vietnam’s position and protect independence, unity, integrity and territorial sovereignty.

From the US perspective, according to Mr. Le Van Cuong, in addition to economic issues, the US assesses that Vietnam has a very important position in ASEAN, while ASEAN’s role is a bridge between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

The second result, according to Mr. Le Van Cuong, in addition to issues such as economics, human resources, science and technology, bilateral/multilateral diplomatic cooperation, there is another important issue that is currently both

`The initial results are clear, one million doses of vaccine to support Vietnam. In the near future, there will likely be cooperation on vaccine research and production, and exchange of scientists between the two countries. I think

According to Major General Le Van Cuong, the third result, through the relationship between Vietnam and the US, was promoted and expanded after this trip to indirectly spread to US relations with the remaining countries in ASEAN.

Also according to Mr. Cuong, although Ms. Harris’s visit is a bilateral trip, it has elements of strategic geopolitics and multilateral implications, because Vietnam is an important link in ASEAN.

`We want nothing more than a united ASEAN, a tight bloc in the face of external challenges. Ms. Harris’s trip to Vietnam also contributes to creating conditions for ASEAN countries to have more correct awareness.

Bilateral relations do not depend on names

Experts analyze 3 main results from Ms. Harris's visit to Vietnam

Major General Le Van Cuong (Photo: World & Vietnam).

Regarding different opinions as to why Vietnam – America has not upgraded the relationship to a strategic partnership, Mr. Le Van Cuong said, from the perspective of a researcher, he believes that the space of partnership

Mr. Cuong said that establishing bilateral relations with a superpower at the strategic partnership level is something that both the US and Vietnam must consider carefully.

`This trip of Ms. Harris contributes to exploiting those vacant spaces, so the two sides need to be more active, promote more, and strengthen trust with each other, to fully exploit the remaining space of the

According to Mr. Cuong, after the empty spaces of comprehensive partners are fully exploited, they will then switch to strategic partners.

Mr. Cuong believes that at every level of relationship, there are ripe subjective and objective conditions.

Major General Cuong added that if you look at the list of countries that have strategic partnerships with Vietnam, the substantive relationship between the countries does not depend on the name.

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