Mr. Trump won New Hampshire

Mr. Trump won New Hampshire 0

(Dan Tri) – According to preliminary vote counting results in the Republican primary election in New Hampshire, former US President Donald Trump won more votes than candidate Nikki Haley.

Former US President Donald Trump (Photo: Getty).

Guardian cited the results of counting 18% of the primary election votes in New Hampshire state on January 23, showing that Mr. Trump won more than 31,000 votes, while the former US Ambassador to the United Nations, the biggest opponent in the Republican Party,

This means that Mr. Trump currently has 11 delegate votes.

Each candidate in the party’s nomination race will receive a certain percentage of these delegates based on their respective vote share.

This is Mr. Trump’s second consecutive victory after winning in Iowa, the first state where the Republican primary took place.

Up to now, after two primary elections in Iowa and New Hampshire, Mr. Trump has 31 delegate votes, Ms. Haley has 16 votes.

Mr. Trump won New Hampshire

Candidate Nikki Haley (Photo: Getty).

Ms. Haley is the only major opponent remaining in the race to win the Republican nomination to run for US president later this year.

`I want to congratulate Mr. Donald Trump on his victory tonight. He won and I want to admit it.`

`I want everyone to understand that New Hampshire is the first but not the last,` she emphasized.

During last week’s primary election in Iowa, Mr. Trump also called on Ms. Haley to withdraw, saying that her and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ running for office was just a waste of time and resources.

Before the primary election in New Hampshire, Mr. DeSantis announced that he would stop his campaign and support Mr. Trump.

With this momentum, Mr. Trump is predicted to most likely win the Republican Party’s nomination for the third consecutive time to represent the party in the presidential election.

Mr. Biden also `won` in New Hampshire

Mr. Trump won New Hampshire

President Joe Biden (Photo: Reuters).

AP reported that current President Joe Biden also won in New Hampshire.

According to NBC, Mr. Biden received more than 78% of the vote, while Minnesota congressman Dean Phillips won approximately 14%, and candidate Marianne Williamson won 4% of the 2% of votes counted.

New Hampshire in years past held the first primary in the nation and the second contest on the Democratic nominating calendar after the Iowa caucuses.

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