Apple CEO: Android phones are like cars without airbags

Apple CEO: Android phones are like cars without airbags 1

`I think today people have a lot of options, if you want sideloading and it’s important to you, you can buy an Android phone. In my opinion, that’s like an auto manufacturer saying

CEO Tim Cook at Apple’s October product launch ceremony.

Sideload is a feature that allows users to download and install software from external sources instead of through the application store.

Earlier this week, Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, also likened the sideload feature to `cybercriminals’ best friend.`

In a report at the end of October, Apple shared some research showing that Android phones are attacked by malware 15 to 47 times more than iPhones.

Last month, Margrethe Vestager, antitrust director of the European Union (EU), proposed a set of rules to restrain major technology companies such as Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet – Google’s parent company.

Vestager’s proposed rules will need to be approved by lawmakers and EU countries before they can become law, expected in 2023.

Apple CEO: Android phones are like cars without airbags

The App Tracking Transparency feature is available from iOS 14.

In addition to the issue of software installation, the Apple CEO was also asked about App Tracking Transparency.

According to Financial Times statistics, App Tracking Transparency caused four major social networks: Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to lose nearly 10 billion USD.

`I don’t know the estimates, so I can’t comment on those numbers,` Cook replied when asked about the above report.

However, the company also faced many criticisms related to its monopoly on the App Store application store.

Tuan Hung

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