Chinese doctor was reprimanded for early warning about Covid-19

Chinese doctor was reprimanded for early warning about Covid-19 0

(Dan Tri) – A doctor and colleague of Dr. Ly Van Luong in Wuhan said she was not allowed by her superiors to share warning information about Covid-19 at the time when the outbreak began.

Doctor Ai Fen (Photo: SCMP)

Dr. Ai Fen – head of the emergency department of Wuhan Central Hospital, Hubei province – told China’s People magazine that she herself sent a photo of the diagnosis report to her colleagues via email.

According to SCMP, Ms. Ai’s interview with People magazine seems to show that Wuhan health officials missed the opportunity to issue a warning at the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak and before the pathogen spread to

In the interview, Ms. Ai said that she initially shared the Covid-19 diagnosis report to a Wechat group and group members shared this photo with others.

Ms. Ai said she alerted the public health center of Wuhan Central Hospital and the infectious disease control center immediately after seeing abnormalities in the pathogen in the report.

“I even pulled the head of the hospital’s respiratory department aside when he passed my office and said that one of the patients in his department seemed to have a SARS-like virus,” Ms. Ai said.

Doctor Ly Van Luong, 34 years old, shared Ms. Ai’s photo with others.

Mr. Li’s death angered Chinese public opinion because of the untimely handling of the epidemic by the Wuhan and Hubei governments.

Warning from superiors

Chinese doctor was reprimanded for early warning about Covid-19

Ms. Ai believes she did nothing wrong (Photo: SCMP)

According to People, after Ms. Ai warned her superiors about the new corona virus, her superiors said that Wuhan health authorities had asked medical staff not to disclose any information about the virus to protect them.

Two days later, an official in charge of supervising Wuhan Central Hospital reprimanded Ms. Ai for `spreading rumors` regarding the photo she shared online.

The above official told Dr. Ai that she must inform the staff in the department that they must not reveal anything about the new corona virus and she must not tell anyone, not even her husband.

“My mind is blank.

According to Ms. Ai, nurse Hu Ziwei at Wuhan Central Hospital was infected with the corona virus a week later.

Ai told People that she believes her actions were not wrong.

“I informed the hospital and I never give out personal patient information when discussing cases with other doctors.

On January 1, the Huanan seafood market near Wuhan Central Hospital closed.

Dr. Ai said that before Chinese authorities confirmed that the corona virus could be transmitted from person to person a few weeks later, she witnessed a large number of patients with acute pneumonia coming into the hospital for examination.

Wuhan Central Hospital is one of the medical facilities most severely damaged by the epidemic.

“If these doctors had been warned about the epidemic in advance, they might not have died.

Lord Emperor

According to SCMP

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