Data is worthless if left alone

Data is worthless if left alone 3

Back in 2005, the world was generating 100 GB of data every second.

`If collected and aggregated, data will have a little value, but still very little. Data is only truly valuable when technology is used to process it, thereby helping people make decisions.`

`For example, our behavior on social networks seems to have no meaning. But thanks to data analysis tools, foreign companies can show trends and decide on business direction,`

Mr. Nguyen Trong Duong spoke at the launch of Viettel Data Mining Platform held on December 18.

Mr. Dang Duc Thao, Deputy Director of Viettel Cyber Center, said that, in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, big data and data analysis are the most important platform and invaluable assets.

However, according to Mr. Thao, most current data processing platforms mainly focus on English data and are not fully compatible with Vietnamese.

This Data Mining Platform tool is capable of predictive forecasting, risk analysis, and anomaly detection in business management.

Thanks to machine learning capabilities, the system will make recommendations from analyzing customer tastes, analyzing prices, providing customer portraits, and analyzing to find sets of customers with common characteristics, thereby

Mr. Nguyen Trong Duong also said that this data will also help improve domestic artificial intelligence platforms.

At the recent Vietnam Internet Day event, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung also affirmed `previously, we focused on purchasing hardware, then software, and now we focus on

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