Tips for taking photos in forests, snow and deserts

Tips for taking photos in forests, snow and deserts 2

Rain forests and tropical forests

Rain forests and tropical forests are two of the most difficult landscapes to photograph beautifully.

Shooting in the rainforest is best when there is drizzle in the sun.

The best time to take photos in this type of environment is after rain, or drizzle when it’s sunny.

However, if a low ISO sensor setting comes with a polarizing filter and low light, the shutter speed becomes too slow for handheld shooting.

Snow, ice and glaciers

Reflections occur strongly when there is too much snow and ice, leading to the main scene being underexposed, especially on sunny days.

Tips for taking photos in forests, snow and deserts

Adjust brightness when taking photos in snow and ice.

Normally keeping the brightness at 0.5 will ensure standard overexposure, when shooting at the beginning or end of the day.

Be careful when using polarizing filters for snow and ice scenes.

When it’s actually snowing or sleeting, with a slow shutter speed, you can show how bad the weather is by capturing the falling snow and rain as streaks of color.


Shooting in the desert is basically like shooting in the snow and ice, except it’s too hot instead of too cold.

Tips for taking photos in forests, snow and deserts

Photos taken in the desert by experts.

To capture a pristine scene, you must pay attention to your shadow and remember not to leave footprints in the shooting area.

Pay special attention to the camera when taking photos in sandy environments, especially when there is wind.

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