5 anterior cruciate ligament surgeries

5 anterior cruciate ligament surgeries 2

Mr. Nguyen Huu Toan (39 years old, An Giang) shared that he ruptured his ligament in 2017 and underwent 4 surgeries with 3 times of ligament reconstruction using autologous tendon method (taking part of the tendon).

After 4 surgeries with 3 ligament reconstructions using autologous tendons performed continuously for more than 2 years, Mr. Huu Toan’s ligaments still cannot recover, making it difficult to walk and carrying persistent pain.

Doctor Anh Vu in an endoscopic surgery to reconstruct ligaments with artificial ligaments.

Went to Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City and was examined by Tran Anh Vu, M.D., M.D., Head of the Department of Sports Medicine and Endoscopy, Deputy Director of the Center for Trauma and Orthopedics. The patient was diagnosed with a broken nerve.

First, the patient has had many times to reconstruct damaged ligaments with autologous tendons.

Second, a long period of not being able to move flexibly and damage from tendon extraction sites has caused the patient’s muscles to tend to weaken.

Using the endoscopic method, doctor Anh Vu and his team successfully reconstructed the patient’s ligaments.

5 anterior cruciate ligament surgeries

Patients perform rehabilitation after surgery.

Two days after surgery, the patient’s health has stabilized, he can walk gently, without pain and stretch his legs comfortably.

`Even though I really hope my leg can heal, this is the 5th surgery, so I don’t dare to hope too much. So, when I see my leg getting better and better, I’m very happy,` Mr. Huu Toan

Doctor Anh Vu shared that artificial ligaments are a new step in the treatment of sports injuries.

* Patient’s name has been changed.

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