Coach Doan Minh Xuong: Vietnam can slap Qatar in the face as soon as they enter the game

Coach Doan Minh Xuong: Vietnam can slap Qatar in the face as soon as they enter the game 5

– What do you think about the two teams’ chances of winning in the match at Changzhou Stadium, China today?

– Although Qatar is rated higher than Vietnam, I think the opportunities will be divided equally between both.

What you pointed out are all positive aspects, so what are the weaknesses of Vietnam and Qatar?

– Without saying it, everyone knows that Vietnam’s worst is physical strength.

Qatar is strong but not perfect.

Coach Doan Minh Xuong said that U23 Vietnam has many ways to exploit to find goals.

– Qatar is considered the favorite, so they might also play preemptively right at the opening whistle?

– In my opinion, not.

-What specific `hit` does Vietnam need to score a goal?

– As I said, the concentration in Qatar’s defense is not high.

– How do you evaluate Coach Park Hang-seo’s tactics?

– I don’t want to judge too much because everyone has seen Park’s talent.

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