Getting married before 30 years old: Early children, early grandchildren, early leisure

Getting married before 30 years old: Early children, early grandchildren, early leisure 12

(Opinion articles do not necessarily coincide with’s views.)

After finishing high school, some of his friends went downstream to the city to continue studying or find jobs, but my uncle decided to stay in his hometown, working in the fields and taking care of his elderly parents.

Marrying early, of course my uncle and aunt’s life was extremely difficult, but they still tried to overcome it.

My fourth uncle is only 48 years old this year, but my eldest daughter has graduated from college for 4 years.

Looking back at the simple life of the past, weddings between young men and women in the village also took place quickly.

>> Vietnamese youth are afraid to get married because of the pressure of ‘clothes, rice, money’

Unlike now, young people have many options through the internet, dating applications… the choice is still unfinished.

Since the country’s reform, the economy has developed for decades.

Therefore, I think it is reasonable to encourage young people to get married before the age of 30.

In the past, our grandparents and parents overcame many difficulties and deprivations and were still able to raise a large group of children.

Many cases of late marriage and late childbirth occur between the ages of 30 and 40. Even though the economy and money were abundant at that time, in retrospect, children spent very little time with their parents.

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I travel because my children mature early

‘Marrying early is limiting yourself and creating a burden for your parents’

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