‘Inside the golden cocoon’ – a lost man searching for faith

'Inside the golden cocoon' - a lost man searching for faith 1

* The article reveals the movie’s content

Trailer ‘Inside the golden cocoon’

Trailer for the movie `Inside the Golden Cocoon`, released in domestic theaters on August 11.

The work by director Pham Thien An tells the story of Thien (Le Phong Vu) bringing the remains of his sister-in-law named Hanh back to his hometown after a motorbike accident.

Pham Thien An spends about 30 minutes in the first film introducing the character’s living space, full of stuffiness and danger, where people run after frivolous things.

The work is told in the style of a documentary, where the characters all have their own stories.

Religious material appears throughout the work, from the funeral prayer to Thien’s reflections on trust in God’s love.

In the film, the weather changes from dense fog and gloom to heavy rain, symbolizing the journey of finding faith which is obscure and unclear.

'Inside the golden cocoon' - a lost man searching for faith

Pham Thien An replied to Quinzaine

Pham Thien An talks about his filmmaking style.

The aesthetic spans the entire three-hour duration.

The film has a slow cinema feel, from the theme, narrative structure, images, staging pace, to character attitudes.

Pham Thien An demonstrates his skills in long scenes, including complex filming techniques and how to build story layers.

The technique of using long shots is exploited properly, focusing on important details to convey the story.

Music is also a part of helping the work have a slow rhythm.

Actor Hong Anh – Pham Thien An’s advisor in a short film competition – said she would watch the work again because `she wants to live in the feeling of the character and the atmosphere the director has created`.

Director Phan Gia Nhat Linh said: `Three hours passed slowly, but not at all slowly or confusingly, but on the contrary, captivated by the excitement and surprises in storytelling in electronic language.

'Inside the golden cocoon' - a lost man searching for faith

Pham Thien An spoke at the premiere

Pham Thien An (fourth from left) spoke at the premiere of `Inside the Golden Cocoon`, on August 8.

International critics commented positively on the work.

ScreenDaily commented: `Inside the golden cocoon is Pham Thien An’s mysterious and fascinating work with the message: There are no easy answers to questions about existence. We can only search.

After Cannes, director Pham Thien An continues to bring his work to nearly 20 other international film festivals, such as Jerusalem Film Festival (Israel), Melbourne International Film Festival (Australia), Hamburg Filmfest (Germany), Busan International Film Festival

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