Weapons from the US, UK and France are used to attack Syria

Weapons from the US, UK and France are used to attack Syria 0

Trump announced that he and Britain and France would attack Syria

Trump announced an attack on Syria

At 4:00 a.m. on April 14, Syria time, the US-British-French coalition began airstrikes on three locations suspected of being related to Syria’s chemical weapons program.

Arleigh Burke class destroyer

Weapons from the US, UK and France are used to attack Syria

USS Donald Cook operated in the Mediterranean last year.

Three US destroyers, USS Porter, USS Donald Cook and USS Higgins, simultaneously launched Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Weapons from the US, UK and France are used to attack Syria

Powerful Tomahawk missiles were used by the US in battle.

B-1B strategic bomber

A B-1B bomber also launched AGM-158 JASSM long-range surface-to-surface missiles, marking the first real combat appearance of this weapon.

Weapons from the US, UK and France are used to attack Syria

B-1B Lancer bomber.

Each B-1B is 44.5 m long, 10.4 m high and has an empty mass of 87.1 tons.

The US Air Force also dispatched at least four F-16 fighters and four F-15 fighters to be present between Cyprus and the Syrian coast for most of the airstrike.

Three tanker aircraft also appeared in the Mediterranean to assist, along with an RQ-4 Global Hawk drone flying along the Syrian coast after the airstrike, possibly to assess damage.

Attack Tornado GR4

Weapons from the US, UK and France are used to attack Syria

Panavia Tornado GR4 attack of the British Air Force.

According to the BBC, the British Ministry of Defense dispatched 4 Tornado GR4 raiders carrying Storm Shadow cruise missiles to attack a military base near the city of Homs, believed to be a place to store raw materials for making chemical weapons.

Rafale fighter and Aquitaine corvette

Weapons from the US, UK and France are used to attack Syria

Paris published footage of military aircraft bombing Syria

French fighter sorties with  SCALP-EG missiles

Some images show many French Rafael fighters equipped with SCALP-EG missiles.

The locations hit by airstrikes were in Damascus and Homs.

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