India lifted the blockade despite adding nearly 10,000 nCoV cases per day

India lifted the blockade despite adding nearly 10,000 nCoV cases per day 3

Over the weekend, India surpassed Italy and Spain, becoming the 5th largest epidemic region in the world, with 256,000 people infected with nCoV and recording more than 9,000 cases every day.

India implemented a blockade order from March 24.

Shopping malls and restaurants are open.

People danced when the Indian temple reopened on June 8.

However, experts expressed many concerns when India lifted the blockade at this time, when 50% of total infections were recorded in the past two weeks.

`We are far from the peak of the epidemic,` said Dr. Nivedita Gupta, an expert with the Indian Council of Medical Research, a state agency.

The Covid-19 situation remains particularly serious in Delhi and Mumbai, the largest and most populous cities in India, where public hospitals are running out of beds and refusing to accept patients.

Vikas Jain, a Delhi resident, said his brother-in-law, Narender Jain, 47 years old, had Covid-19 and was refused treatment by five hospitals.

First, Narender was turned away from two hospitals in Delhi because there were no beds.

`The next morning, when the test results showed that he was positive for Covid-19, the hospital said it could not accept him because there were no beds and ventilators for Covid-19 patients, so we had to look elsewhere,`

Every private hospital in Delhi they contacted said there were no beds for Covid-19 patients, forcing the family to take Narender to another public hospital.

`But no one treated him, not even someone to welcome him. My sister and I had to put him on a stretcher and carry him to the second floor without anyone to help us. We had no protective clothing,`

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, last weekend directed that only people with proof of residence in the capital could be admitted to public hospitals.

`Delhi hospitals must be for the people of Delhi. If we open the hospitals to everyone, the 9,000 Covid-19 beds will be full within three days,` Kejriwal said.

However, a few hours later, this decision was rejected by the state governor, saying that every patient deserves treatment.

Covid-19 appeared in 213 countries and territories, infected more than 7.2 million people, and killed more than 408,000 people.

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