Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett’s assets

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets 0

99% of Buffett’s assets were made after age 50

After the age of 50, this billionaire earned 62.7 billion USD, accounting for 99% of current assets (63.3 billion USD).

99% of Buffett’s assets were made after age 50

After the age of 50, this billionaire earned 62.7 billion USD, accounting for 99% of current assets (63.3 billion USD).

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

Buffett’s assets are larger than the GDP of Ghana and Cambodia combined

Last year’s GDP of Ghana was about 48 billion USD, and that of Cambodia was 15.2 billion USD.

Buffett’s assets are larger than the GDP of Ghana and Cambodia combined

Last year’s GDP of Ghana was about 48 billion USD, and that of Cambodia was 15.2 billion USD.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

Every day Buffett earns $37 million, higher than actress Jennifer Lawrence’s income in an entire year.

According to Forbes, Jennifer Lawrence was the second highest paid actress in the world in 2013 with about 34 million USD.

Every day Buffett earns $37 million, higher than actress Jennifer Lawrence’s income in an entire year.

According to Forbes, Jennifer Lawrence was the second highest paid actress in the world in 2013 with about 34 million USD.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

You could pay the tuition of 6 New York University students with just what Buffett earns in an hour.

New York University is the most expensive school in America.

You could pay the tuition of 6 New York University students with just what Buffett earns in an hour.

New York University is the most expensive school in America.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

Buffett bought his first stock in 1941

That year, he bought 3 preferred shares for himself and 3 for his sister for $38.

Buffett bought his first stock in 1941

That year, he bought 3 preferred shares for himself and 3 for his sister for $38.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

The amount of money Buffett donates to charity can build 4 `Spaceship` headquarters for Apple

To date, Buffett has contributed a total of 20 billion USD to the community.

The amount of money Buffett donates to charity can build 4 `Spaceship` headquarters for Apple

To date, Buffett has contributed a total of 20 billion USD to the community.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

The amount of money Buffett contributes to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation can increase the salary of every Pyongyang citizen (North Korea) by 50%.

Pyongyang currently has 2.8 million people.

Meanwhile, Buffett contributed $2.1 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The amount of money Buffett contributes to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation can increase the salary of every Pyongyang citizen (North Korea) by 50%.

Pyongyang currently has 2.8 million people.

Meanwhile, Buffett contributed $2.1 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

Buffett pledged to spend $30 billion on the wind and solar energy industry, enough to build 46 Burj Al Arabs 7-star hotels.

Dubai’s famous hotel only has a budget of 650 million USD.

Buffett pledged to spend $30 billion on the wind and solar energy industry, enough to build 46 Burj Al Arabs 7-star hotels.

Dubai’s famous hotel only has a budget of 650 million USD.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

Berkshire Hathaway’s current cash is 50 billion USD, equivalent to the GDP of South Dakota (USA) and 45 Airbus A318s.

South Dakota GDP in 2013 reached 46.7 billion USD.

Berkshire Hathaway’s current cash is 50 billion USD, equivalent to the GDP of South Dakota (USA) and 45 Airbus A318s.

South Dakota GDP in 2013 reached 46.7 billion USD.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

If you invested $1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway in 1970, you would have $4.86 million today.

Berkshire shares that year were $41.

If you invested $1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway in 1970, you would have $4.86 million today.

Berkshire shares that year were $41.

Interesting statistics about Warren Buffett's assets

If you invested $1,000 in Berkshire the year he became a major shareholder, today you would have $10.5 million.

In 1964, Buffett became a major shareholder of Berkshire.

If you invested $1,000 in Berkshire the year he became a major shareholder, today you would have $10.5 million.

In 1964, Buffett became a major shareholder of Berkshire.

In yesterday’s trading session, the price of Class A shares of Berkshire Hathaway – billionaire Warren Buffett’s investment company reached a record of 200,000 USD, bringing joy to many investors.

Warren Buffett is known as the world’s investment legend.

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