North Korea causes confusion when parading troops at night

North Korea causes confusion when parading troops at night 1

North Korea held a large military parade at Kim Il Sung Square in the capital Pyongyang early on the morning of October 10 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Workers’ Party.

Kim Jong-un (center) watches the performance in the sky over Pyongyang in the early morning of October 10.

`I have never seen a night parade in the history of this country. The message of the parade is to show off the power of military equipment, as well as the level of training and discipline of the units. Night parade

`It’s a really strange move. The only reason I can think of is that the night parade will ensure secrecy during the transportation of strategic weapons,` said Chad O’Carroll, director of the private company

Go Myong-hyun, a researcher specializing in North Korea at the Asan Institute, said that Pyongyang is trying to send a message of deterrence without revealing important features of its weapons.

North Korea’s display of military power can be directed towards two subjects.

`All signs show that North Korea does not want to provoke the US and they also do not want to reduce President Donald Trump’s chances of being re-elected. He is very dangerous, but they have found a way to influence him. Biden

However, Kim Dong-yup, a former South Korean officer and lecturer at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies at Kyungnam University, denied that the parade took place at night to protect weapons secrets or avoid provocations.

`They could have simply cut out the image or not shown the parade at all if they wanted to hide the military features. There were no such signs in the report. I don’t think this move makes any sense.`

North Korea causes confusion when parading troops at night

North Korean fighter jets have LED lights installed, causing admiration

North Korean aircraft equipped with LED lights participated in the military parade in the early morning of October 10.

The time KCTV station reported the parade was early morning in the US.

In his speech at the parade, Kim Jong-un affirmed that Pyongyang will continue to build `deterrence capacity for self-defense` and be ready to mobilize the strongest force if threatened, but added that the strength

Experts say that North Korea still maintains its commitment not to conduct long-range nuclear tests to keep the door open for diplomacy with the US.

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