In the city of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu state, located in southern India, flea markets are filled with a strange toy called Thanjavur Thalaiyatti Bommai (in Tamil).
This is a doll with a big head and the ability to shake its head.
Dolls that can shake their heads are widely sold in markets in India.
This toy is replicating a common habit of Indians: shaking their heads when talking to others.
According to Priya Pathiyan, a Mumbai-based writer and tour guide, this action will be repeated by people, an unlimited number of times.
Indians move their heads to express things they don’t want to say out loud.
When you buy souvenirs from Indian people and you bid, they nod.
In addition, head shaking also shows thanks, something Indians rarely use.
If locals shake their heads quickly and continuously while talking, they want to let you know they understand what you are saying.
Depending on each region of India, this action is different.
Why do Indians always shake their heads when talking?
Source: Youtube.
Margot Bigg, a British writer who lived in India for 5 years, said that if Indian people move their heads to one side, it means they agree or signal: let’s go.
In addition, it is difficult to tell exactly whether the person opposite you is nodding in agreement or refusal.
According to BBC, the fact that Indians like to say `Yes` and `No` comes from showing respect for the other person, especially guests and elders.