An American television program on June 6 asked on Twitter about a common situation on an airplane: `Can you use both armrests if you sit in the middle seat?`.
Dylan Connolly, a passenger, said this was a `hidden rule` on the plane.
Many passengers on the plane had an argument about the armrest in the middle row.
Crazy Diamond, another account, also agrees with the above answer, so he often gives up the armrest to the middle passenger.
Nikolaus Sennhauser, a Scottish tourist, bought a middle seat during a trip to Bangkok, Thailand.
However, former basketball player Ross Tucker said that it depends on who you sit next to.
Others believe that anyone in a three-seat row has the right to use both armrests.
Some people think that if you sit next to large people, your personal space will be more or less invaded.
The incident related to the armrest happened in early 2017, on a flight from London, England to Malaga, Spain between two passengers who were also lawyers.
Jacqueline Marie, a flight attendant for a major airline in the US, believes that the person sitting in the middle seat has the right to use both armrests.
Many people, because they want a peaceful flight, accept sitting in an uncomfortable position, with two people sitting next to them occupying the armrest.
According to Daniel Baron, CEO of an airline interior design firm based in Tokyo, people sitting in economy seats are treated equally in terms of space.