Help your child ‘learn wisely’ through each trip

Help your child 'learn wisely' through each trip 3

Being able to travel is a blessing because not every baby has that condition.

Right from choosing the location, booking tickets, and booking hotels, always let your child participate.

After choosing a place, read about it and tell your child about the special things about that land, about the specialties, about the history, about the weather and about famous people… Use magnetic letters

Photo: T.Ngan

Before the day of departure, make a list of things to bring, write or print it out or let your child write it himself if he can, then let him pack the things into his own suitcase and backpack.

On the way to the airport, explain to your child the concept of international airport and domestic airport.

Explain to your child what the security staff and customs officers checking luggage are doing and what they must do.

When sitting in the waiting room, let your baby explore on his own. Mom just needs to come along for support if needed.

Get on the plane first so you have enough time to guide your child to find his or her seat number, get the things that need to be kept in his or her seat, and explain to your child how to put the backpack in the luggage compartment.

When arriving in a new city, always call the exact name of the airport, city, hotel, room number written on the key or name of the villa…

Before eating new foods, help your baby learn the names of those dishes. It’s best to show them those things before eating if possible.

Not that your baby will remember everything, but certainly if you help him review by playing puzzles, he will remember everything so that when he gets home, he can recount all the experiences to everyone at home.

Take pictures of everything important and print them out to make an album with the name of the trip to help your child remember everything he did.

Make a book and paste all the boarding passes, train tickets, bus tickets, tickets to visit monuments… to save for your child.

On the map, mark the names of the cities your child has passed through so that he can visualize which lands he has set foot on.

If your baby can read and write, encourage him or her to keep a diary and name the pictures.

If you can do those small things, you will help your child learn history, geography, language, culture, a variety of skills… from one trip.

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