Joker revolves around Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) – a person living at the bottom of society in the fictional city of Gotham.
After being fired and beaten, Arthur faces a turning point in his life.
Joker trailer
Trailer `Joker`.
Joker is based on the famous DC Comics character of the same name, appearing since 1940. When adapted to the screen, the character made a strong impression through films such as Batman (1989, played by Jack Nicholson) and The Joker.
In Joker, director and co-writer Todd Phillips builds the character in a new direction.
Arthur’s life is shown through everyday elements – with work, family and goals.
A scene where Joaquin Phoenix combines body movements and makeup to cause fear.
Appearance is the highlight in building the character in Joker.
Joker follows the psychological drama genre, aiming for a thrilling story, led through a psychologically unstable main character.
Supporting the story that exploits the character’s psychology, the script integrates opposing details.
Robert De Niro’s character has a great influence on the Joker’s evil transformation.
By building the context for the fictional city of Gotham, the filmmakers raise a social message.
Joaquin Phoenix’s performance as Arthur plays an important role.
Phoenix’s performance in every word and movement evokes a feeling of both pity and fear.
Todd Phillips (right) and Joaquin Phoenix received the award.
The music – by composer Hildur Guðnadóttir – is the highlight in Joker.
In an interview on IMDb – On the Scene, director Todd Phillips shares works inspired by classic films such as Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Serpico, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest… Among them, there are
Joker was premiered at the 2019 Venice Film Festival. The film won the Golden Lion – the highest award at Venice – with an eight-minute applause.
Joker was produced by Warner Bros.
The film is shown in Vietnam with a C18 label (not for audiences under 18 years old).