Myanmar’s Ambassador to the UK spoke out after the embassy was taken over

Myanmar's Ambassador to the UK spoke out after the embassy was taken over 3

In his first interview after being sacked last week by his subordinates who occupied the London embassy office and the Myanmar military junta, former ambassador Kyaw Zwar Minn said he no longer felt safe at his northern residence.

`The British Foreign Office said if they invade our residence, the British police will not be able to do anything,` he said, adding that he is waiting to see what British authorities can do to help him stay in London.

According to Kyaw Zwar Minn, in recent days, relatives back home, whom he has not seen for the past five years, fear retaliation due to his stance in support of the ousted civilian government.

Mr. Kyaw Zwar Minn at his residence north of London, England on April 13.

Kyaw Zwar Minn urged the British Foreign Ministry to strengthen security measures, but did not call on London to impose more sanctions on the Myanmar military government.

`Everyone is watching the British government’s next step very closely. They have received a lesson from the Myanmar army, now they must give a lesson back to the army. Britain must show its strength

The British Foreign Office said last week it had `re-assured that ambassador Kyaw Zwar Minn can live safely in the UK while deciding on his long-term future` at a meeting with chargĂ© d’affaires Chit Win, now acting

The British Foreign Office spokesman did not specifically respond to Mr. Kyaw Zwar Minn’s fear of the mansion being `invaded`, but British officials may be trying to negotiate a solution and the situation is unlikely to be resolved.

Kyaw Zwar Minn, who became a diplomat under Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi after a long career in the military, spent a night in his car outside the embassy last week, after the deputy ambassador

However, fears that he could be removed from office are growing as a source in Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned that his staff are watching him.

When talking to reporters, his mood changed erratically, sometimes happy and joyful, sometimes moody and depressed.

It appears that Kyaw Zwar Minn has accepted that it is impossible to retain control of the mansion, but he warns of the negative impact if he is expelled from it.

When asked about the risks he would face if he returned to Myanmar, he smiled and replied: `If you want to see what will happen when I return, I will make you a mask identical to mine and give it to you.

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) monitoring group said more than 700 people have died since the February 1 coup.

Myanmar's Ambassador to the UK spoke out after the embassy was taken over

Ambassador Kyaw Zwar Minn (black shirt) stands outside the Myanmar embassy building in the UK on April 7.

The former ambassador also described his wariness when two former employees appeared on April 11.

For some activists who want to restore civilian government in Myanmar, Kyaw Zwar Minn is complicated.

However, Farmaner noted that the diplomat `refused to support the civil disobedience movement and also refused to join the civilian government representative committee (CRPH)`.

Kyaw Zwar Minn said critics should understand his dilemma.

He showed particular contempt for Chit Win, his former deputy.

Kyaw Zwar Minn fears the crisis in Myanmar could `lead to civil war`.

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