EU rejects Biden’s claim that ‘the pandemic is over’

EU rejects Biden's claim that 'the pandemic is over' 5

`We still believe that the pandemic is spreading in Europe. It is important that member states prepare vaccines for mass vaccination and adjusted vaccines (suitable for mutations) to prevent pathogens from spreading.`

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Covid-19 is still a global emergency, but can come to an end in the near future if countries effectively use anti-epidemic tools.

During the press conference, EMA officials reaffirmed the call that executive director Emer Cooke made last week.

In addition to the initial vaccines, in recent weeks, the EMA has approved a number of vaccines adapted to the Omicron strain, used as the 4th and 5th doses, in the context of sub-variants spreading increasingly strongly.

Marco Cavaleri, head of the EMA’s vaccination program, said the agency is also considering using the new vaccine in the basic course (two initial doses).

Headquarters of the European Medicines Agency in Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 18, 2020.

Mr. Biden’s declaration of `the end of the pandemic` on September 18 received many mixed reactions from experts, even causing protests.

Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco, USA, said: `The pandemic is not over yet. I emphasize the first (reason) is the number of deaths each year.`

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data shows that the US has reported more than 223,000 deaths since January.

In Vietnam, Covid is still classified as group A dangerous infectious diseases, but in the context of adaptive living, anti-epidemic measures have been adjusted accordingly.

In the world, Sweden was the first country to declare freedom from the pandemic (since February);

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