Singapore’s King of Aquarium Fish

Singapore's King of Aquarium Fish 3

Qian Hu Company was founded by Kenny’s father and uncle.

Last year, the company’s revenue reached 67 million USD.

Although Singapore is a small country, it contributes up to 20% of the world’s ornamental fish supply.

Kenny Yap’s company currently exports fish to more than 80 countries.

This is not easy.

The whole family started with guppies, a very popular breed of fish brought here by the British when Singapore was a colony, to eat mosquito larvae.

However, they made a lot of mistakes.

Singapore's King of Aquarium Fish

The most expensive fish they ever sold was a $50,000 arowana.

Then, they consulted a feng shui expert.

This name is considered a good omen.

After the color scale fish failed, Kenny and his brothers, following the advice of friends, decided to raise a variety of loach fish popular in Sichuan.

At that time, they were almost going bankrupt due to losses, but also learned a lesson about the importance of diversification and careful product research.

Singapore's King of Aquarium Fish

The company’s fish tanks produce 3 times the normal productivity.

Research and development (R&D) is now an important part of Qian Hu’s business.

Called a `new style fish farm`, innovation is at the core of Kenny’s growth strategy.

At first glance, the tanks appear to be more crowded than usual.

At the main farm in Singapore, customers can also enter a massage tank with Garra rufa, a fish that specializes in eating dead skin and calluses on human feet.

In addition to selling fish, they also produce and distribute aquarium accessories.

`With this niche market, I have the opportunity to become number one in the world. I like being a big fish in a small pond. Because there, I can swim more easily. If you are a big fish in the ocean, you will

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