White House life is different from Biden’s predecessor

White House life is different from Biden's predecessor 2

He took the just 25-minute flight back to his hometown of Delaware over the weekend, partly to have X-rays of his leg to check his post-injury condition.

So, like a passenger on the train home after work, he spent most of the time on the plane reading the newspaper.

Biden held travel documents at the White House earlier this month.

When Biden finally became president after three decades of struggle, he adapted to daily life in the White House more naturally than his recent predecessors.

Biden’s two predecessors are considered `night owls` because Obama often spends a lot of time in the evening reading reports, while Trump often watches TV.

Biden spent a lot of time working in the White House as vice president under Obama.

Last week, Biden visited his old office in the West Wing to show Vice President Kamala Harris where his wife had left a Valentine’s Day card in 2009. He also unexpectedly visited other offices in the building, asking after employees.

He showed off his new residence to his former Senate colleagues, inviting nearly a quarter of senators to the Oval Office during the first three weeks of his term to discuss a Covid-19 relief plan and a basic package.

Biden didn’t seem to mind when a group of reporters followed his every move.

Biden listens to intelligence briefings every day, unlike Trump, who only does so occasionally.

He favored the fireplace in the Oval Office and sometimes added firewood himself.

White House life is different from Biden's predecessor

Joe Biden added firewood to the furnace in the Oval Office in early February.

Biden’s work schedule is more orderly than Trump’s.

Meetings of White House staff begin before 8 a.m. every day, conducted in a combination of in-person and online formats.

When Biden cannot meet with an official or secretary in person, a large screen will be brought into the Oval Office for that person to meet remotely, as with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg during last week’s infrastructure meeting

On weekends, Biden maintains the habit of going to Holy Trinity Church in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., and at his hometown parish in Delaware.

Joe and Jill Biden are said to have more intimate public gestures than recent first families.

Last weekend, the President visited Camp David for the first time since taking office.

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama visited Camp David many times during their terms and hosted foreign dignitaries there.

However, Trump rarely comes here and does not welcome any foreign leaders at this resort.

However, Michael Giorgione, who was in charge of Camp David under Bush and Clinton, said that Biden will likely use this space to welcome foreign leaders after Covid-19.

`The resort creates an intimate atmosphere. There are no big meeting rooms with chandeliers and coffee. This is a simpler, warmer gathering,` he said.

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